
The Computational Fluid Dynamics Group (CFDG) specializes in the development of robust, scalable, and adaptive solution techniques for computational fluid dynamics. Our work has involved a wide range of applications, such as aircraft drag prediction in subsonic and transonic flows, uncertainty quantification in nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics codes, and probabilistic approach to contaminant source inversion to name a few. Current research topics of interest includes optimal mesh generation and adaptation, accurate error estimation, robust solvers for unsteady aerospace problems, and efficient use of advanced mathematical techniques and large-scale high-performance computing.

Welcome to the Computational Fluid Dynamics Group at the University of Michigan's Aerospace Engineering Department.


CFDG is currently pursuing research in a number of areas, as described below.

Mesh Generation and Adaptation

Mesh generation and adaptation continue to be significant bottlenecks in the CFD workflow, and this becomes more problematic as increasing computational power allows us to run higher resolution simulations. In fact, mesh generation is often the most time-consuming and user-intensive task in setting up CFD simulations. Furthermore, even when adaptive mesh refinement strategies offer significant benefits, they are not widely used in production-level CFD due to lack of robustness or software complexity issues. Some research topics of interest in this area are as follows:

    • Mesh anisotropy detection

    • Robust mesh adaptation strategies for complex geometries

    • New mesh refinement techniques to further improve performance of high-order finite element methods

    • Automated adaptive mesh generation techniques

Error Estimation

Fast, reliable mesh generation and adaptivity is not possible without accurate error estimation capabilities. However, current error estimation techniques are proving inadequate for increasingly many applications. This is especially true for unsteady flows, which may become chaotic. Research topics in this area includes:

    • Error estimation using adjoint-based output error calculations

    • Unsteady output-based error estimation

Quantifying Uncertainty and Improving Robustness

Errors and uncertainties in current CFD simulations are not always well-understood or well-quantified. Sources of errors include temporal and spatial discretization errors and incomplete convergence, while uncertainties include modeling errors based on simplifying assumptions or unknown parameters. The lack of error quantification raises the risk that engineering decisions are based on inaccurate and/or uncertain results. Moreover, applying CFD to ever-more challenging simulations comes with a new liability: ensuring that the computed solutions are sufficiently accurate. Methods to handle these problems are being tackled, such as

    • Quantifying and reducing numerical errors arising from the discretization of the governing equations

    • Developing stochastic-space adaptive methods for uncertainty quantification

    • Using probabilistic approaches to solve large-scale uncertainty quantification and inverse problems

High Performance Computing (HPC)

The development of CFD algorithms cannot be separated from the development of algorithms that effectively use HPC resources. As HPC hardware evolves rapidly, algorithmic developments that will enable us to exploit emerging hardware capabilities become paramount. Research topics in this area include:

    • Designing robust and scalable solvers that can take advantage of modern HPC architectures, including the anticipation of exascale computing.

    • Developing massively parallel CFD algorithms that balance computation and communication cost

    • Increasing automation in the CFD workflow to efficiently use computational power


XFlow is a solver and library for high-order discontinuous finite element discretizations of general equation sets. It is written in ANSI C, with an emphasis on both generality and performance. The code is applicable to various equation sets, which can be plugged in via dynamically-loaded libraries. XFlow is intended to be used for problems suitable for discontinuous finite elements, usually convection-dominated flows, such as those found in aerospace engineering applications. XFlow also serves as a platform for development of methods for error estimation and adaptation, geometry management, solver algorithms, high-order visualization, large-scale model reduction, and design optimization.

For details on XFlow, please visit xflow.engin.umich.edu.


mfoil is a subsonic airfoil analysis code written as a single-file Matlab class. It uses mostly the same physical models as XFOIL , with some differences in the coupled solver. As a Matlab code, it is slower than the Fortran code XFOIL and is not meant to be its replacement. Rather, it is an accessible code base for educational and research purposes. It is distributed under the open-source MIT license, which places virtually no restrictions on usage or modifications. You can download the latest version here.

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