Journal Publications
G. Chen and K.J. Fidkowski. Discretization error control for constrained aerodynamic shape optimization. Journal of Computational Physics, 387, pp 163-185, 2019. DOI:10.1016/
K.J. Fidkowski. Comparison of hybrid and standard discontinuous Galerkin methods in a mesh-optimisation setting. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 33(1-2), pp 34-42, 2019. DOI:10.1080/10618562.2019.1588962
K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based space-time mesh optimization for unsteady flows using continuous-in-time adjoints. Journal of Computational Physics, 341(15), pp 258-277, 2017. DOI:10.1016/
K.J. Fidkowski. A hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method on mapped deforming domains. Computers and Fluids, 139(5), pp 80-91, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.04.004
Marco A. Ceze and Krzysztof J. Fidkowski. High-order output-based adaptive simulations of turbulent flow in two dimensions. AIAA Journal, 54(9), pp 2611-2625, 2016. DOI:
D.P. Sanjaya and K.J. Fidkowski. Improving high-order finite element approximation through geometrical warping. AIAA Journal, 54(12), pp 3994-4010, 2016. DOI: 10.2514/1.J055071
M.A. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. Constrained pseudo-transient continuation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102(11), pp 1683-1703, 2015.
S.M. Kast, J.P.S. Dahm, and K.J. Fidkowski. Optimal test functions for boundary accuracy in discontinuous finite element methods Journal of Computational Physics, Accepted, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/
K.J. Fidkowski. Algebraic tailoring of discontinuous Galerkin p-multigrid for convection. Computers and Fluids, 98, pp 164-176, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.01.021.
D. Sanjaya, K. Fidkowski, and I. Tobasco. Adjoint-accelerated statistical and deterministic inversion of atmospheric contaminant transport. Computers and Fluids, 100 (1), pp 291-307, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.05.021.
M.A. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. Drag prediction using adaptive discontinuous finite elements. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 51(4), pp 1284-1294, 2014, DOI: 10.2514/1.C032622.
S.M. Kast and K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based mesh adaptation for high order Navier-Stokes simulations on deformable domains. Journal of Computational Physics, 252(1), pp 468-494, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.0314(4).
Z.J. Wang, K.J. Fidkowski, R. Abgrall, F. Bassi, D. Caraeni, A. Cary, H. Deconinck, R. Hartmann, K. Hillewaert, H.T. Huynh, N. Kroll, G. May, P-O. Persson, B. van Leer, and M. Visbal. High-order CFD methods: current status and perspective. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/fld.3767.
M.A. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski An anisotropic hp-adaptation framework for functional prediction. AIAA Journal, 51, pp 492-509, 2013.
T.J. Drzewiecki, I.M. Asher, T.P. Grunloch, V.E. Petrov, K.J. Fidkowski, A. Manera, T.J. Downar. Parameter sensitivity study of boiling and two-phase flow models in CFD. Journal of Computational Multiphase Flow, 4(4), pp 411-425, 2012.
K.J. Fidkowski, M.A. Ceze, and P.L. Roe. Entropy-based drag error estimation and mesh adaptation in two dimensions. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 49(5), pp 1485-1496, 2012.
C. Lieberman, K. Fidkowski, K. Willcox, and B. van Bloemen Waanders. Hessian-based model reduction: large-scale inversion and prediction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2012, DOI:10.1002/fld.3650.
K.J. Fidkowski, and Y.Luo. Output-based space-time mesh adaptation for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 230, 2011, pp 5753-5773.
K.J. Fidkowski. Output error estimation strategies for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of unsteady convection-dominated flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/nme.3224.
K.J. Fidkowski, and D.L. Darmofal. Review of output-based error estimation and mesh adaptation in computational fluid dynamics. AIAA Journal, 49(4), 2011, pp 673-694.
K.J. Fidkowski, and P.L. Roe. An entropy adjoint approach to mesh refinement. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 32(3), 2010, pp 1261-1287.
D. Galbally, K. Fidkowski, K. Willcox, and O. Ghattas, Nonlinear model reduction for uncertainty quantification in large-scale inverse problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 81(12), 2009, pp 1581-1603.
Conference Proceedings
Q. Wang, R.R. Medeiros, C.E. Cesnik, K.J. Fidkowski, J. Brezillon, and H.M. Bleecke. Techniques for improving neural network-based aerodynamics reduced-order models. AIAA Paper 2019-1849, 2019.
G.L.O. Halila, G. Chen, Y. Shi, K.J. Fidkowski, and J.R.R.A. Martins. High-reynolds number translational flow prediction using a coupled discontinuous-Galerkin RANS PSE framework. AIAA Paper 2019-0974, 2019.
K.J. Fidkowski. Three-dimensional benchmark RANS computations using discontinuous finite elements on solution-adapted meshes. AIAA Paper 2018-1104, 2018.
K.T. Doetsch and K.J. Fidkowski. A combined entropy and output-based adjoint approach for mesh refinement and error estimation. AIAA Paper 2018-0918, 2018.
Y.S. Shimizu and K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based error estimation for chaotic flows using reduced-order modeling. AIAA Paper 2018-0826, 2018.
K. Ding and K.J. Fidkowski. Output Error Control Using r-Adaptation. AIAA Paper 2017-4111, 2017.
G. Chen and K.J. Fidkowski. Airfoil Shape Optimization Using Output-Based Adapted Meshes. AIAA Paper 2017-3102, 2017.
D.P. Sanjaya, K.J. Fidkowski, L.T. Diosady, and S.M. Murman. Error Minimization via Metric-Based Curved-Mesh Adaptation. AIAA Paper 2017-3099, 2017.
K.J. Fidkowski. Unsteady output-based adaptation using continuous-in-time adjoints. AIAA Paper 2017-0529, 2017.
K.J. Fidkowski. A local sampling approach to anisotropic metric-based mesh optimization. AIAA Paper 2016-0835, 2016.
K.J. Fidkowski and M.A. Ceze. High-order output-based adaptive simulations of turbulent flow over a three dimensional bump. AIAA Paper 2016-0862, 2016.
K. Ding, K.J. Fidkowski, and P.L. Roe. Continuous adjoint-based error estimation and r-refinement for the active-flux method. AIAA Paper 2016-0832, 2016.
Y.S. Shimizu and K.J. Fidkowski. Output error estimation for chaotic flows. AIAA Paper 2016-3806, 2016.
K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based space-time adaptation with non-variational time integration. ECCOMAS conference, 2016.
D.P. Sanjaya and K.J. Fidkowski. Improving high-order finite element approximation through geometrical warping AIAA Paper Number 2015-2605, 2015.
K.J. Fidkowski. An output-based adaptive hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method on deforming domains AIAA Paper Number 2015-2602, 2015.
S.M. Kast and J.P.S. Dahm and K.J. Fidkowski. A hybrid Petrov-Galerkin method for optimal output prediction AIAA Paper Number 2015-1956, 2015.
M.A. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. High-order output-based adaptive simulations of turbulent flow in two dimensions AIAA Paper Number 2015-1532, 2015.
B. A. Rothacker, M. Ceze, and K. J. Fidkowski. Adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation for problems with output constraints. AIAA Paper Number 2014-2576, 2014.
D. J. Dalle and K. J. Fidkowski. Multifidelity airfoil shape optimization using adaptive meshing. AIAA Paper Number 2014-2996, 2014.
K. Ding, K.J. Fidkowski, and P.L. Roe. Acceleration techniques for adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation Eighth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD8-2014-0249, 2014.
J. P.S. Dahm and K. J. Fidkowski. Error estimation and adaptation in hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods. AIAA Paper Number 2014-0078, 2014.
M. Ceze and K. J. Fidkowski. Pseudo-transient continuation, solution update methods, and CFL strategies for DG discretizations of the RANS-SA equations. AIAA Paper Number 2013-2686, 2013.
K. Ding, K. J. Fidkowski, and P. L. Roe. Adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation for the active flux method. AIAA Paper Number 2013-2942, 2013.
M. van Schrojenstein Lantman and K. J. Fidkowski. Adjoint-based optimization of flapping kinematics in viscous flows. AIAA Paper Number 2013-2848, 2013.
I. M. Asher, K. J. Fidkowski, T. J. Drzewiecki, T. P. Grunloch, V. E. Petrov, A. Manera, and T. J. Downar. Sensitivity study of Eulerian multiphase boiling models: NPhase-CMFD. 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-15) 215, 2013.
M. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. Drag prediction using adaptive discontinuous finite elements. AIAA Paper Number 2013-0051, 2013.
S.M. Kast, M.A. Ceze, K.J. Fidkowski. Output-adaptive solution strategies for unsteady aerodynamics on deformable domains Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD7-3802, 2012.
M. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based hp-adaptation applied to aerodynamic flows Tenth World Congress On Computational Mechanics, 2012.
K.J. Fidkowski. An output-based dynamic order refinement strategy for unsteady aerodynamics AIAA Paper Number 2012-77, 2012.
T. J. Drzewiecki, I. M. Asher, K. J. Fidkowski, and T. J. Downar. Parameter sensitivity study of boiling and two-phase flow models in computational thermal hydraulics 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-14) 502, 2011.
M. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. A robust adaptive solution strategy for high-order implicit CFD solvers AIAA Paper Number 2011-3696, 2011.
S.M. Kast, K.J. Fidkowski, and P.L.Roe. An unsteady entropy adjoint approach for adaptive solution of the shallow-water equations AIAA Paper Number 2011-3694, 2011.
K.J. Fidkowski, M. Ceze, and P.L.Roe. Drag output error estimation using the entropy adjoint approach AIAA Paper Number 2011-3867, 2011.
Y. Luo and K.J. Fidkowski. Output-based space time mesh adaptation for unsteady aerodynamics AIAA Paper Number 2011-491, 2011.
I.S. Tobasco and K.J. Fidkowski. A probabilistic approach to inverse convection-diffusion. AIAA Paper Number 2011-824, 2011.
M.A. Ceze and K.J. Fidkowski. Output-driven anisotropic mesh adaptation for viscous flows using discrete choice optimization. AIAA Paper Number 2010-0170, 2010.
K.J. Fidkowski and P.L. Roe. Entropy-based mesh refinement, I: the entropy adjoint approach. AIAA Paper Number 2009-3790, 2009.
K.J. Fidkowski and D.L. Darmofal. Output-based error estimation and mesh adaptation in computational fluid dynamics: overview and recent results 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. AIAA Paper Number 2009-1303, 2009.
K.J. Fidkowski, F. Engelsen, K.E. Willcox and I. Kroo. Stochastic gust analysis techniques for aircraft conceptual design AIAA Paper Number 2008-5848, 2008.
Selected Presentations
Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation Using Output Adjoints
38th Advanced VKI CFD Lecture Series, September 2015.
High-Order Output-Based Adaptive Methods for Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics
37th Advanced VKI CFD Lecture Series, December 2013.
Is My CFD Mesh Adequate? A Quantitative Answer
Gas Dynamics Research Colloquium, February 2011.
2009 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2009.
Progress in Mesh-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for CFD
German Aerospace Center Seminar, May 2009.
Entropy-based Refinement I: The Entropy Adjoint Approach
2009 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 2009.
Nonlinear Model Reduction for Uncertainty Quantification in Large-Scale Inverse Problems
Computational Aerospace Sciences Seminar, October 2008.
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